Saturday, October 15, 2011

First Break

College is really become a day in and day out process with little break in between. I was lucky that even my work schedule had gone out the window in the same time frame as the mid semester break. Although I still had quite a bit to get started on an complete as far as college work, I was glad that there were no classes and schedule that I had to abide to. I was able to feel like I was getting rest and actually got to spend time with my animals which I have been missing a lot. As far as the break, it makes me realize that I may need to form a different schedule next semester that fits me better. I am starting to realize that the schedule that I have right now is not working for me physically it leaves me being overwhelmed and frustrated from it. I have to work and go to school because financially that is what is needed for me to be able to experience the college lifestyle. When work is present in the schedule it really doesn't help with me being able to focus on the work that is assigned. Not to mention the physical toll it puts on me. When I leave the campus to go to work my mind is filled with class lectures, just to arrive to work and start thinking about what happened that week at the company. This continuous process always leaves me one step behind where I need to be at both places work and school and leaves me agitated.  Waking up, going to class, and keeping up with homework  is pretty difficult when you are trying to keep up with what is needed of you at work. Personally , I never wanted to work a job like HEB or Fast Food so I am working at a company as a secretary to continue learning business and gain better references. I feel long term this will be a better fit but it does cause even a larger brain participation in and away from work. No break will seem long enough to make me feel replenished but I know the reward I will receive at the completion of this university will be worth it. I know alot of your success later in life comes from the foundations of today so I am pretty confident that I will be able to be prosperous then. I assume the best thing to do in this certain  situation is to remain positive and know that later on my satisfaction will be pleased.

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